Chinese Preventive Medicine Association

Congratulations! Feng Zijian, the Executive Vice President and Secretary General of CPMA, was elected as the new member of GPMB!


September 30th,2022, The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) had announced the appointment of a new Board membership, with Mr.Zijian FENG to serve as the new Board member.

The GPMB is co-convened by the World Health Organization and World Bank Group and is charged with providing a comprehensive appraisal of global preparedness for health emergencies. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed gaps in how the world understands and monitors preparedness, with human elements such as leadership and trust and the performance of multiple sectors found to be crucial to response, and therefore to the evaluation of overall preparedness. 

The GPMB has consistently highlighted the important role of independent monitoring for global health emergency preparedness and response, noting its critical role for strengthening mutual accountability, building trust, and supporting decision-makers to take effective action.

With negotiations underway to create new global health emergency governance structures, including the Pandemic Treaty and newly established Financial Intermediary Fund, the GPMB has emphasised the need for a robust independent monitoring mechanism to shine a light on key gaps in preparedness within the global health architecture, ensuring that actions taken are as effective as possible.

Contributing broad expertise and a focus on evidence-based assessment, the renewed GPMB can support and strengthen independent monitoring activity for a safer world.

The original link from GPMB:

Chinese Preventive Medicine Association

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